Sunday, January 18, 2009


SmartLipo is an excellent advanced option for men considering cosmetic surgery. Many people are taking advantage of sophisticated new techniques to remove excess fat from specific areas of the body. An FDA approved and minimally invasive procedure, SmartLipo has proved to be the best treatment for destroying excess fat cells and coagulating tissue for tissue tightening. Laser technology is what differentiates it from conventional treatment options.

Amazing Breakthrough Procedure

SmartLipo is a very effective treatment for gynecomastia - a condition whereby fat/gland builds up in the chest of men. Fat removal with SmartLipo is the best answer to treat this potentially embarrassing condition. Apart from this area, practically any area of your body where there is unwanted fat deposit can be treated with SmartLipo, including arms, thighs, face, neck, knees, and more. Healthy men of average size who have an obvious amount of fat in one area are eligible for this procedure.

Safe and Painless Procedure with Immediate Results

This advanced procedure is safe, virtually painless, which works with little or no side effects. As much as 1000 cc of fat can be melted away during a session. It takes only an hour to complete the process and most people can return to routine activities within a day or two. If positive results are desired from SmartLipo, then it is better to be used in combination with MIL (Minimally Invasive Liposuction). Ideally, the operating surgeon must be well experienced in conventional liposuction.

So, if you are interested in having this surgery, make sure that you choose a certified and trained surgeon - who can effectively satisfy your requirements.

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Friday, December 19, 2008



Smart Lipo Laser is a new method to remove the cellulite. In this method, the Smart Lipo laser is transmitted to the skin via diminutive tube, which is merely 1 to 2 millimeters in length. Normally the tube is drawn back and forth and the laser changes the fat deposits into an oily matter. This oily matter is then absorbed and ultimately removed through a human's lymphatic system.

Smart Lipo is the first laser-based appliance introduced in America. Experts who have used this machine are completely astonished to have such an amazing technology. According to the majority of the doctors, the patients get less swelling, bleeding and bruising after using this treatment. The main reason for this is that it instantly closes the small blood vessels and bleeding is stopped.

The positive results are seen just after some days of this treatment. But the best results are seen after the treatment of few months.
Moreover, this treatment may generally be performed in a forty-five minute session within limited anesthesia, thus allowing you to carry on your daily routine. Patients should wear compression clothes after this treatment for some period of time.

You can use SmartLipo treatment on various parts of your body having localized fat deposits like face, neck and chest. These fats usually cannot be removed with the help of exercise, diet or massaging. This way of treatment is very good for loose and hanging skin. And it generally suits to those who are healthy and have a normal body weight. The whole procedure will cost you three thousand to five thousand US dollars.

The most significant feature of SmartLipo is that it shows effective results and is very handy in erasing the cellulite permanently. Usually the cellulite does not appear again after this treatment. In case the fat cells are expanded in the body, they are not deposited in the skin areas which were treated with this machine.

This method is becoming more and more popular in the patients of cellulite. The main problem with all other types of cellulite treatments is that cellulite reappears after the treatment is stopped. But, in this treatment the cellulite disappears permanently and the chances of reappearance are the minimum. The only issue with this treatment is the cost. This treatment is expensive and every body cannot afford this treatment.

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Thursday, December 18, 2008



In traditional liposuction, a 4-6mm tube is inserted into the areas of fat deposits, which have been targeted for removal. This tube is then used to remove the fat, often resulting in tissue trauma in the surrounding areas. Following a traditional liposuction procedure, an individual was generally required to take approximately one week off work to recover from their surgery. All of this has changed with the introduction of Smartlipo or laser liposuction surgery.
Today, the increasing use of Smartlipo (laser liposuction surgery) offers a less invasive alternative to traditional liposuction surgery, and as it requires only a local rather than a general anaesthetic, is widely considered to be a safer alternative. An increasing number of cosmetic surgery clinics in the UK and throughout Europe are now offering Smartlipo (laser liposuction surgery) as one of their standard cosmetic procedures.
What Is Smartlipo?
During your Smartlipo (laser liposuction surgery) procedure, a 1mm flexible optic fibre is inserted under the skin, and into the area of fatty deposit to be removed. This laser is then used to target only the fat cells in the region, leaving all the healthy cells in tact. Once the fat cells have been destroyed, the waste is then passed through the patient’s body in the usual manner.
Smartlipo (laser liposuction surgery) can also be used to target fat deposits that have proven more difficult to remove through the traditional methods such as diet and exercise. Laser liposuction surgery is also far more effective in areas, which were more difficult to remove through traditional liposuction such as the inner thighs and the backs of the arms. Laser liposuction surgery is also able to treat areas that are more delicate e.g. the face, the neck etc. that previously were untreatable through liposuction. Smartlipo treatment usually lasts around one hour per region treatment, and as the process is minimally invasive, it is performed under a local anaesthetic.
Does Smartlipo Hurt?
Smartlipo (laser liposuction surgery) is virtually painless, although some patients may experience a minor discomfort during the procedure. In the majority of instances, patients are able to leave the clinic approximately one hour after their laser liposuction surgery procedure.
How much does Smartlipo cost?
Although prices for Smartlipo (laser liposuction surgery) will vary depending on the clinic, and the size of the area to be treated, you can usually expect to pay approximately £1,700.00 to £2,200.00 per area. The majority of cosmetic clinics will offer a reduced rate if more than one area is requiring treatment.

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Tried out all sorts of diet and exercise programs, but specific areas of your body simply refuse to tone up? Then SmartLipo is definitely the better solution to go with. It is a minimally invasive treatment that use advanced laser technology to dissolve unwanted fat from your face and body.
SmartLipo - A Smart Laser Liposuction Procedure That Works
SmartLipo melts fat and tightens skin, thus helps to enhance your beauty and maintain a fresh and youthful appearance. This procedure is probably most applicable for candidates who are in good health with normal weight having specific areas of stubborn fat. It requires only minimal downtime and produces promising results, with far less discomfort and bruising. SmartLipo can be performed virtually on any parts of the body where there is excess fat. Body areas that can be treated with this technique are neck, face, love handles, back, upper arms, abdomen, knees and inner and outer thighs.
SmartLipo's Benefits and Advantages
This laser body contouring system affords many advantages over traditional liposuction methods. Listed here are some of the advantages associated with SmartLipo.
• Smoothest, best body contouring results
• Minimal downtime
• Minimal discomfort
• Requires only local anesthesia, therefore no side effects
• Lesser bruising
• No incisions or suturing involved
• Quick recovery
• Minimal pain
Gain Desired Aesthetic Results
After undergoing this treatment, most routine activities can be resumed within a few days. Typically, only one treatment session is required per area and you can see significant improvements within a few weeks, and continued improvement of the procedure are realized in up to 4 months.



Many women out there must probably just be waiting to slip into their favorite bikini but can't because of those so called trouble areas. Many men would like their body to look more impressive than it presently is. For such people and those yearning for a tighter, toned body; SmartLipo, a laser aided liposuction modality holds out more than just hope.

The SmartLipo Revolution:

Developed at first in Italy, SmartLipo is a kind of revolutionary cosmetic surgery. It is in fact the first and sole lipolysis system to be laser assisted. Candidates for the treatment ideally are no more than 25 lbs (approx. 11.34 kilos) short of their most apt weight; quite healthy; and have had unsatisfactory results through exercise and cutting down on fatty foods.
Among many advantages associated with the SmartLipo process are the following:

• Requires only a very small surgical incision.
• In most cases, a single treatment is generally all that's required.
• Use of local, not general anesthesia.
• Causes a certain degree of cellulite reduction.
• Most of the time, new fat is not created after the process.
• Normal activities can be resumed within just a few days of the procedure being performed.

The Science of SmartLipo

A long vacant tube called a cannula is introduced into the targeted fat pocket. To and fro movement of the cannula and dispersion of laser energy causes draining away of the fat cells, and collagen shrinkage. SmartLipo is unique in that it makes use of a dual platform laser MPX, dual in the sense that one can be used for skin tightening and the other for fat melting. Depending on the skin quality and body type of the patient, the operating surgeon can alternate between the two blends.
Worth a Try!

It can't be denied that Smartlipo therapy is quite expensive and for many, not affordable. However, if you want a treatment that removes fat for the long term, it's worth a try.

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008



The popularity of smartlipo has risen sharply since being approved as an effective fat removal procedure. However many people are still unclear about how smartlipo works and what are its benefits over traditional fat removal cosmetic surgery procedures such as liposuction.

How does smartlipo treatment work?

Smartlipo is sometimes also referred to as laser liposuction or laser lipolysis due to its use of laser energy to remove excess fat cells from the body. Before the smartlipo procedure is done, the doctor marks the targeted areas and then a local anaesthetic is applied to them. Once the area is numb, a thin cannula (tube) containing a laser fibre is inserted into the skin. The laser energy causes the fat cells to rupture which are then removed by the body's own natural waste removal system.

What are the advantages of smartlipo over other fat removal procedures?

There are a number of reasons why many patients are now opting for smartlipo over more traditional fat removal procedures such as liposuction. These include:

• Smartlipo only requires a local anaesthetic whilst liposuction requires a general anaesthetic. General anaesthesia carries significantly higher complication rates in comparison to a local anaesthetic.

• Smartlipo is a minimally invasive procedure and hence causes minimal discomfort in comparison to liposuction.

• Smartlipo has significantly lower complication rates in comparison to Liposuction.

• Smartlipo requires a minimal downtime. Patients often return to normal activity the next day after smartlipo treatment.

Alongside the above benefits, smartlipo is also a more targeted fat removal procedure and is hence suitable for areas which are in generally not advisable for liposuction such as the face and neck.

Another key benefit of smartlipo is that it helps tighten the skin around the treatment area giving it a firmer appearance. This is due to the fact that the smartlipo laser affects the collagen in the skin which causes the skin to tighten and shrink gradually over the next 6-8 weeks after the treatment.

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SmartLipo is the new age liposuction: liposuction with fewer side effects and less recovery time than the conventional liposuction, and which requires a really minute incision. The procedure is best for individuals who have not responded to workouts and diet control therapies.

Besides being FDA approved, this liposuction procedure has the distinction of being the first to be laser assisted. SmartLipo promises successful fat removal, body toning and skin tightening for people of different body types. Body areas that can be treated by this process include the chin, hips, upper arms, male breasts, knees, face, arms, abdomen, back and neck.

The Procedure

The physician introduces a tiny tube (cannula) in which a laser fiber of low energy is contained, straight into the targeted fat deposit. The tube, with a diameter between 1 and 2mm is passed into a minute skin incision. The minuteness of the incision means that no sutures are required to close it once the procedure is over. Through back and forth movement of the cannula, the energy of the laser reaches the fat cells making them rupture and effortlessly drain away, while the surrounding tissue is unaffected. The laser keeps bleeding, bruising and swelling to a minimum as it causes immediate coagulation of little blood vessels on contact.

Is SmartLipo For You?

You could be a suitable candidate for SmartLipo if you:

• Are healthy
• Do regular exercise
• Have local body fat deposits that refuse to leave despite consistent physical exercise and weight watching

The Downside

One downside of SmartLipo is that is intended to do away with only a small amount of fat (around 8 pounds). Another reason to reconsider SmartLipo treatment would be the high cost. SmartLipo, being a cosmetic technique, is not covered by insurance.


The downsides regarding a SmartLipo session are few in comparison to the benefits. There are several instances of people who have had the procedure done and impressed by the results, have requested treatment of other areas.

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